Continuing Professional Development

Ways that you and your organisation can manage CPD Learning with membership to the Mobility Access Design Library and Stæbl Academy


About CPD Points


Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Stæbl Academy provides industry organisations (CPD) points for their training and or upkeep on their industry registration.

At the conclusion of a Learning or Design Session, members will be asked to undertake an open book review and answer a number of questions. These will be recorded and added to the member’s CPD Points registry.

Please Note All sessions, including resources delivered by mobile, desktop, or in workshops, even the 2-minute modules, will ALL count towards the required formal or informal points total (usually 1-hour minimum) needed for your complying with your CPD Criteria.

Look for the symbol below that will confirm which Learning Modules and Design Sessions are approved by the relevant institution or industry body for CPD Points.


Mobile & Desktop Learning

Stæbl Academy App.

Mobile learning can deliver courses and design sessions anytime, anywhere, and on any device connected to the internet. Stæbl Academy has designed its Mobility Access Design Library in microlearning, short how-to videos, written and audio transcripts with individual explainer slides.

The learning and design app is shaped for the on-the-go or field workforce's needs, where a fast, trusted, and reliable reference check is required. In some situations, the industry's nature (e.g., architecture and construction) involves work at locations where inductions or quick how-to learning is valuable to avoid delays and external consultant cost overruns.

The Mobility Access Design library is formatted for daily use and all levels of experience.


In-house and Interactive

Stæbl Academy provides to your organisation workshop training where specific subjects or detailed information critical to your team members is required in an instructor-led learning environment.

In addition to the Mobility Access Design Library App, those enrolled in a physical workshop have the added benefit of interactivity, as they can ask questions and receive instant responses. Where and when appropriate, workshops are a valuable option for when team member interactivity is essential to the organisation's learning experience.


Virtual Classrooms

Stæbl Academy provides your organisation with bespoke webinars to deliver our mobility training in the form of text, video and documents in real-time. We can provide a virtual learning experience from any location, and your team members can attend a learning or design session from wherever they're located.

This learning method will save your organisation valuable time and money on logistics and venues. Persons who are enrolled in an Stæbl Academy webinar will require a mobile or desktop device connected to the internet.

Blended Experience

Bespoke Learning

Stæbl Academy can design and deliver a single or a series of learning paths tailored to your team, department, or industry's individual needs to your specific requirements.

By focusing on the knowledge that you require and orchestrating the information in the way you need it, a tailored blend of all learning methods can be created.


Mobility Access Design Library Learning & Design 2023

Download the current Stæbl Academy Learning & Design Guide Jan-Jun 2023


Frequently Asked Questions



Sample Access

Pricing, Membership and Concessions


Access the Library with all features* (*Access all Member Areas for 24 hours.)


AUD$576 +GST* Billed Annually (*Annual Membership renewed each year.)


Reduced Rates are available for Multiple users, NFP’s, Students. (Click for proposal.)

Joining Stæbl Academy you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. Further information about our Service is in our FAQs and Membership Support. All rights Reserved 2021©

Mobility know-how in three Steps

Finding that answer to that question about Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) is fast and efficient with Stæbl Academy

Click on the video to learn how to use the Mobility Design Access Library.

Learn how to use the Mobility Design Access Library in minutes.